Common Reasons Kids Go to ER and How to Prevent Them
December 18, 2024
Common Youth Sports Injuries
December 18, 2024Spring; time for deep cleaning, yard work and, whoops, accidents. Here’s what to do if you are involved in any of these common spring accidents.
Rusty Cuts
Nick yourself on rusty garden shears or old fencing? You actually need to be more worried about the cut than the rust.
You don’t need to worry about a tetanus infection if you’re up to date on your tetanus shot boosters. Clean the wound to prevent infection and keep an eye on it as it heals. It’s likely the wound is infected if you notice redness around the wound, pus or cloudy drainage, growing swelling, tenderness or pain around the wound and/or a fever. Seek medical attention for infected wounds.
It doesn’t hurt to check in with a health professional and discuss if you need a tetanus booster. Do so sooner rather than later, it’s easier to prevent tetanus than to treat it.
Snake Bites
Snake bites are rare and usually happen because of intentional contact with a snake. Don’t attempt to move, capture or kill snakes.
Medical professionals do not need to see the snake to administer antivenom. If a bite occurs, don’t attempt to capture or kill the snake responsible. This will likely result in more bites and it doesn’t help medical professionals. Often, they cannot themselves identify snake species.
Stay calm if bitten. Don’t wash the wound, cut the wound, apply ice, a tourniquet, or lick or suck on the wound. Seek medical attention immediately. Even if you’re unsure if the snake was venomous, medical professionals will properly clean the wound and take steps to keep it from getting infected.
Irritated Eyes
As if pollen wasn’t enough, spring projects tend to kick up dirt and dust right into unsuspecting eyes. Wear eye protection while doing yard work and working on projects that involve power tools.
Wash your hands before attempting to remove anything from your eyes. Do not rub your eye, the particle could scratch your eye. Flush your eye with room temperature water or saline solution that is made for eyes. You can gently use a damp cotton swab or clean cloth to remove a particle stuck under a lid or in the corner of your eye.
Immediately flush your eye with water if the irritant is a chemical and seek medical attention. Chemical burns need to be treated swiftly to minimize damage.
If a spring accident is too much for you to handle on your own, don’t hesitate to head in to America’s ER. Open 24-7, America’s ER is available to help even when your primary care might not be available.