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(281) 789-3400
(281) 503-8160
Urgent Care Serving Magnolia & The Woodlands, TX
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We’re ready for anything.
When you or a loved one are sick or injured, you want the best care possible – and fast. America’s ER Medical Centers has the same capabilities and state-of-the-art equipment as hospital-based ERs, and we only staff trusted and experienced ER board-certified doctors, registered nurses and paramedics. We are fully equipped and ready to handle ANY emergency or trauma.*
Conditions treated in our emergency room:
Abscesses, boils, spider bites
Abdominal, stomach pain (severe)
Accidental poisoning, ingestion
Allergic reactions, hives, anaphylactic shock
Animal bites
Appendicitis (right-sided abdominal pain)
Asthma, breathing problems
Back pain, sciatica (severe)
Blood clots
Chemical exposure
Chest pain, heart attack
Congestive heart failure
Dehydration, shock
Dizziness, vertigo, loss of consciousness
Eye injuries
Foreign body removal
Fractures, broken bones
Head injuries
Headaches, migraines (severe)
Heat strokes
High fever
High blood pressure, hypertension
High blood sugar, diabetic coma
Lacerations, injuries, bleeding
Nausea, vomiting
Palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmias
Pediatric illnesses, injuries (severe)
Sepsis/severe infections
Shortness of breath, COPD
Sports injuries
Staph infections, MRSA
Strokes, TIAs (Transient Ischemic Attacks)
Sprains (severe)
Urinary tract infections (severe), pyelonephritis
*This is a reference to the new freestanding emergency room leveling classification system recently developed in 2016 and adopted by GETAC (Governor’s EMS & Trauma Advisory Council) and distributed by the Texas Department of State Health Services. Leveling is based on each individual facility’s clinical capabilities (privately owned or owned by a hospital), attending physician ER board certification status, Nurse trauma certification status, additional clinical staff available on site 24/7, available in-house diagnostic and treatment medical equipment such as advanced airway, resuscitation stabilization devices and other equipment not required for licensure and accessibility to trauma, cardiac and stroke centers.
Classification as follows:
Level 1 (Highest clinical capabilities and able to receive emergency 911 ambulance traffic)
Level 2 (Intermediate clinical capabilities)
Level 3 (Lowest clinical capabilities – no ambulance traffic allowed)
Only the most clinically capable and advanced freestanding emergency rooms can claim Level 1 status. We are proud to say America’s ER Medical Center is currently striving to meet Level 1 criteria and in doing so will join a select few freestanding emergency rooms across the entire state to offer such advanced clinical capabilities outside of the traditional hospital-based emergency room setting.