
April 25, 2023

Fun in the Sun in South Texas

With temperatures in South Texas reaching into the upper 80s and lower 90s, it’s time to hit the beaches! If the water’s a bit too chilly for you yet, then this post is for you. We have gathered lots of beach sports for you to try and even some fun places to be on the oceanfront.
March 31, 2022

Is It Urgent or An Emergency?

You ignored all the warnings and fell off the ladder no one was holding steady for you. You caught your toe in the lawn mower when you were wearing flipflops to do the chore. You can’t keep anything down and it’s the middle of the night. Your chest hurts and you’re afraid it might be a heart attack.
March 11, 2022

Should I Take My Child to Urgent Care or an Emergency Room?

You are enjoying a day at the park with your young child and his friends. You're relaxed as you chat with the other moms and watch your children playing together. Some of them seem like little monkeys as they climb to the top of the monkey bars and swing back and forth on a rope swing. And then it happens.